Self-Assessment Payment Reminders & Statements

18th June 2020

You may have read on the reverse of your notice to complete a tax return that from September 2020 HMRC will no longer be issuing paper self-assessment payment reminders. 

Therefore, in future, if you wish to know your tax position or the amount of tax that you have to pay, you will need to create a digital tax account.  We, as agents, are not allowed to do this for you. 

In order to create an account please go to: and you can register for an account.  You do not need to register for self-assessment during any part of the registration process for this digital tax account. 

Included within the tax return letter which we provide to all of our clients will be a summary of the future tax payments and details of how to make payment to HMRC.  Due to the sheer volume of tax returns that we complete it is not possible for us to send reminders for every client and track which have or have not paid.  We therefore recommend that you keep these letters safe and don’t send them back to us, especially if you are not able to register for a digital tax account.  

Please also note that it is your responsibility to ensure that you pay your tax on time.   

If you are having problems creating a digital tax account, please contact HMRC on 0300 200 3600.