Latest Tax and NIC information for 2018/19

19th April 2018

Here at The Curtis Partnership we like to make it easy for you to find what you need so here are the latest tax, national insurance and minimum wages rates for 2018/19.

Personal Tax – England
Annual Monthly Weekly Rates
Personal allowance £11,850 £988 £228 NIL
Basic rate band – the next £34,500 £2,875 £663 20%
Higer rate band – the next £115,500 £9,625 £2,221 40%
Aditional rate band Excess Excess Excess 45%
Remember that once your income exceeds £100,000 your personal allowance is lost at £1 for every £2 over the limit


Personal Tax – Scotland
Annual Monthly Weekly Rates
Personal allowance £11,850 £988 £228 NIL
Starter rate band – the next £2,000 £167 £38 19%
Basic rate band – the next £10,150 £846 £195 20%
Intermediate rate band – the next £19,430 £1,619 £374 21%
Higer rate band – the next £118,420 £9,868 £2,277 41%
Aditional rate band Excess Excess Excess 46%
Remember that once your income exceeds £100,000 your personal allowance is lost at £1 for every £2 over the limit


Employed National Insurance
Annual Monthly Weekly Rates – Employee Rates – Employer
Lower earnings limit – SSP and NIC credits start here £6,032 £503 £116 NIL NIL
Primary and secondary (Employer) threashold – the next £2,392 £199 £46 NIL NIL
Upper secondary (Under 21 only) £37,941 £3,162 £730 12% NIL
Upper secondary (Under 25 apprentice only) £37,941 £3,162 £730 12% NIL
Upper earning limit £37,941 £3,162 £730 12% 13.8%
Over UEL Excess Excess Excess 2% 13.8%


Self Employed National Insurance – based profits
Annual Rates
Class 4 NIC
Starting band £8,424 NIL
Primary band £37,926 9%
Upper band Excess 2%
Class  2 NIC Annual Rates
Starting band £6,205 NIL
Any profits over £2.85 per week


National mimimum wage
Apprentice (under 19 and in first year of apprenticeship) £3.70 per hour
Apprentice (over 19 and in first year of apprenticeship) £3.70 per hour
Under 18 £4.20 per hour
Age 18 – 20 £5.90 per hour
Age 21 – 24 £7.38 per hour
Age 25 and over £7.83 per hour


Corporation Tax Rates
From 1st April 2016 20%
From 1st April 2017 19%
From 1st April 2020 (expected) 17%